Scriptcase in Ubuntu 9.04


I’m trying to install and make scriptcase work in my ubuntu-linux installation. I have LAMP properly installed and working.

I followed the instruction in installing scriptcase in debian and it seems to be working. But when I access http://localhost/scriptcase/devel/iface/login.php, this is what appears in my browser:

Zend Optimizer not installed

This file was encoded by the Zend Guard. In order to run it, please install the Zend Optimizer (available without charge), version 3.0.0 or later.
Seeing this message instead of the website you expected?
This means that this webserver is not configured correctly. In order to view this website properly, please contact the website’s system administrator/webmaster with the following message:

The component “Zend Optimizer” is not installed on the Web Server and therefore cannot service encoded files. Please download and install the Zend Optimizer (available without charge) on the Web Server.

Note: Zend Technologies cannot resolve issues related to this message appearing on websites not belonging to Zend Technologies.
What is the Zend Optimizer?

The Zend Optimizer is one of the most popular PHP plugins for performance-improvement, and has been available without charge, since the early days of PHP 4. It improves performance by scanning PHP’s intermediate code and passing it through multiple Optimization Passes to replace inefficient code patterns with more efficient code blocks. The replaced code blocks perform exactly the same operations as the original code, only faster.

In addition to improving performance, the Zend Optimizer also enables PHP to transparently load files encoded by the Zend Guard.

The Zend Optimizer is a free product available for download from Zend Technologies. Zend Technologies also developed the PHP scripting engine, known as the Zend Engine.

The PHP version I have is PHP Version 5.2.6-3ubuntu4.2 and with Zend optimizer also using version (This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine: Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright © 1998-2008 Zend Technologies)

Is there a need for me to update Zend? How do I make an update to Zend 3.x? The zend installation instruction in the scriptcase site is no longer updated. When I downloaded the Zend Optimizer, I followed the instruction, but the version of ZendOptimizer being used by PHP is still version 2.x and not 3.x.

Any help on this?

Thank you in advance. :slight_smile:

Re: Scriptcase in Ubuntu 9.04


get zend optimizer 3.3.3 or higher

Re: Scriptcase in Ubuntu 9.04


Thank you for the reply. :slight_smile:

I already downloaded the latest version of Zend. Install it as per instruction in Zend, but still the PHP shows that it’s using Zend 2.x version.

I’m not sure what to to do next so that PHP will use the new version of Zend.

Hope you can give me further information.

Thank you in advance… :slight_smile:

Re: Scriptcase in Ubuntu 9.04

Can you provide the steps you took to install? Did you get the right version 32bit vs 64bit?

There are several posts in ubuntu forums if you google: ubuntu zend optimizer install


Re: Scriptcase in Ubuntu 9.04

Hi Scott,

I got scriptcase working already in Ubuntu linux and was successful in integrating the lates version of Zend.

I was able to use my scriptcase for the whole day in linux, but on the next day I have another new issue. :slight_smile:

When I run my application here is what I get.

NETMAKE - Scriptcase : Version not permitted for this server.
Contacts Netmake (

From this point on, I have no idea what to do next, since I think it is a scriptcase related issue? I have a license scriptcase.

I would really appreciate any help on this matter.

Thank you very much in advance.

Re: Scriptcase in Ubuntu 9.04


Send a request to reopen your license to

A license only can be used in one server.

V?tor Jamil

Re: Scriptcase in Ubuntu 9.04

Hi V?tor,

Thank you for your reply. :slight_smile:

I do not intend to use my scriptcase in multiple server or machine. :slight_smile:

I have just decided to make use of my Scriptcase in Linux since I don’t really feel good using Windows OS in my development.

Scriptcase did not mention anything about a certain license is just for windows or linux, so I’m just really wondering why.

Is that really the case?

Thanks and bets regards!

Re: Scriptcase in Ubuntu 9.04

If you have installed a license in a server, it saves information about that server.
So if you want to use the same license in another server, you should contact