Scriptcase interface - how to delete "custom" field in a form

A newbie question. I created a field in form using “Field/new field” for testing purpose. This field is not sql related and is used only to get a variable.
I want now to delete this field but i’m unable to find how to do this …
Of course i can hide this field in “field position” but how to simply delete it ?
Thanks !

Select the option: Fields you can see a icon (delete) in front of your custom field. Click and acept.

Thanks a lot I do not know why I did not see this icon

Hi, please tell me, what can be a reason of this delete icon not working? I press it and nothing happenes…

Hi, Can you show a screnshoot.?

I click on delete icon and instead of deleting or showing some delete confirmation dialog, it just opens the edit-field-menu on right:
no delete

And there is also no “delete” icon…:

So fnally i closed the app, did the logout, than login again - opened the app again - and now the delete icon works!

Maybe is a Bug SC. Anyway i can see two fields named Filtro. (That can cause conflict).
I tested on my SC and i created a field Filtro type label and when click for deleting, it worked fine!!!

One “Solution” You can set Filtro to Hidden Field.

Was enduring same crap ! And found same ugly solution …