
I’m developing an application with Scriptcase and I have to integrate it with our Simplesamlphp SSO.
How can I archive this goal? Someone have yet tried this?
Thank You

I’m developing an application with Scriptcase and I have to integrate it with our Simplesamlphp SSO.
How can I archive this goal? Someone have yet tried this?
Thank You[/QUOTE]

The first thing is to store the lib in a good place where you can reach it. Do not put it into _lib because it will be overwritten on each new SC update. Create a _customlib or something similar. You need to upload this lib manually as it’s not a part of the sc package. Then you can use events to include it and use the functions.

Hi, has anyone used simpleSAML with SC?


So I have used SimpleSAML on a number of projects. I just integrated it with scriptcase, you have to do a few modifications and I am sure a scriptcase person would do it better then I did.

  • Download SimpleSAML and extract to a folder.
  • Setup an external library in Scriptcase, move all the SimpleSAML folders except for wwwroot in there, we’ll call this SimpleSAML Ext Lib.
  • Then create a blank application in Scriptcase and put the contents of the SimpleSAML wwwroot in that, we’ll call this SimpleSAML App.
  • Update the _include.php file in SimpleSAML App to point to the SimpleSAML Ext Lib location and update the basepath in the SimpleSAML Ext Lib under config/config.php to point to the SimpleSAML App.

That will handle the setup for the SimpleSAML admin/configuration area. Within Scriptcase itself you should be able to access the SimpleSAML Ext Lib through the ScriptCase include functions.

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Do you have any example of integration between scriptcase and sample?
Or what if there is any guide to get some help?

Thanks so much