Scriptcase users supergroup on Telegram

Good afternoon,
We created a supergroup of Scriptcase users on the telegram.
Why use supergroups on Telegram and not groups on Whatsapp?

Telegram supergroups can have up to 75,000 members.
New members can see the entire message history upon joining.
Deleted messages will be removed for all members.
Ordinary members can only delete their own messages.
Supergroups are muted by default and send fewer incoming/outgoing notifications.
Multimedia resources such as links, photos, pdf, etc. are stored in the group.
If you joined now or gave up and came back you don't lose anything.

The group is private and needs an invitation to join.
Note: Joining the group does not guarantee your stay. User deletions can occur at any time and even in less than 24 hours.

The focus is Scriptcase, but we tolerate side conversations that don’t go too far.
Services and search for professionals can also be disclosed without restriction, as we are there to help us.
Just use common sense and avoid banning and reporting to the telegram.

PS: I am part of open groups on Telegram with more than 11,000 members and there is no reason for disagreement, offenses and so on. I hope that in our group there is also peace and common sense.

Temporary group access link: Telegram: Join Group Chat

Now there is a Facebook group, a Discord group and now a telegram group. No offence, but this doesn’t help anybody to have the discussions spread all over the place. I certainly will not spend my time in all those groups for sure.

As you wish.
Nobody is forcing you.
We have a Brazilian group since 2018 and now I opened this one thinking of people from another language who come to our group to ask for help.
We are 257 people in the Brazilian group.
I don’t expect to have many members in this English-speaking group.
But I hope people are able to exchange experiences like in the Brazilian group.
I have been using Scriptcase for over 9 years.
And I know that depending on Netmake or its official forum is to wait, wait, wait…

What was wrong about this forum ?
Wouldnt be better to have only one single discussion forum ?

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