scriptcase V5.2 Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost'

I installed scriptcase for the first time using this:
ScriptCase V5.2 Installer EXE for Windows (includes Apache, PHP, Zend Optimizer) - Automatic
“This is a trial version. You have 20 days of use.”

When I want to make a new connection within “scriptcase” by hitting the button “List Databases”
I get the following error

Connection Error
Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘localhost’ (10061)

Re: scriptcase V5.2 Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘localhost’

1 First problem windows 7 UAC solved by installing with admin rights.
2 Problem Trial version only supports SQLite.

Problem solved.

Re: scriptcase V5.2 Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘localhost’


Try setting your RDBMS server to instead of localhost (or vice-versa).

Bernhard Bernsmann

Re: scriptcase V5.2 Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘localhost’

Hi kerkenveld,
I can say 100% that the evaulation copy does work with MYSQL databases. I have mine connected right now as I eval test. The SQLite is included for the examples, which I was told is just that it is easier to do it that way - no fancy DB install. I am going to buy the MYSQL version, which does not support SQLite FYI.

I do not connect to a DB on my laptop, but rather I use PUTTY to connect with ssh to the server at my hosting service where my test DBs are located. Once that SSH connection is made, I leave PUTTY logged into my acocunt, minimize it, and then work from within SC only. It sees the DBs on the server a localhost, since the SSH connection is a tunnel between my PC and the Linux server. Also very secure.

Advantage - when I deploy the code to the server, the same DB connection works - so I know some weird DB difference won’t creep in.
Disadvantage - you can’t work off-line. But I always have wifi where I go to program (must have Google at all times :wink: so this not an issue.

Good luck!

Re: scriptcase V5.2 Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘localhost’

I just bought SC. I’m not sure is the install comes with ZEND server (it looks like it does), so I’m wondering what would I need to do with my XAMPP installation ? Probably it wopuld not be a best to keep both installations


Re: scriptcase V5.2 Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘localhost’

this my experience :

  1. install sc version windows (exe)or version linux (sh)
  2. replace php.ini from xampp 1.70 with php.ini from installation sc
  3. you should copy (not installation) and extract it to httdocs
  4. Running xampp 1.70 and install from xampp sc 5.2

hope it help