Re: scriptcase V5.2 Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘localhost’
Hi kerkenveld,
I can say 100% that the evaulation copy does work with MYSQL databases. I have mine connected right now as I eval test. The SQLite is included for the examples, which I was told is just that it is easier to do it that way - no fancy DB install. I am going to buy the MYSQL version, which does not support SQLite FYI.
I do not connect to a DB on my laptop, but rather I use PUTTY to connect with ssh to the server at my hosting service where my test DBs are located. Once that SSH connection is made, I leave PUTTY logged into my acocunt, minimize it, and then work from within SC only. It sees the DBs on the server a localhost, since the SSH connection is a tunnel between my PC and the Linux server. Also very secure.
Advantage - when I deploy the code to the server, the same DB connection works - so I know some weird DB difference won’t creep in.
Disadvantage - you can’t work off-line. But I always have wifi where I go to program (must have Google at all times so this not an issue.
Good luck!