Specific correction
- Fixed problem in percentage fields display with negative values in the grid application.
- Fixed problem when inserting multiple values for a double select fields in editable grid forms (view).
- Fixed problem in the fields type when importing Excel spreadsheets for database conversion.
- Fixed problem in select type of fields with multiple values in the filter.
- Fixed problem in the date field visualization to change the language via the toolbar in the grid application.
- Fixed problem in the amount of characters for the user’s e-mail in the ScriptCase administrative settings.
- Fixed problem in the vertical alignment of the menu items with images.
- Fixed problem in the behavior of disabled fields to score check box fields set to reload after changing the value.
- Fixed problem when changing amount of bars in the standard HTML editor values in the project.
- Fixed problem when generating a Grid application initiating as CSV.
- Fixed auto complete problem in fields for capturing the filter.
- Fixed problem when clicking on Google Maps fields configured as URL.