New functionalities
- Added option to display events without filter categories within the calendar.
- Added support to add multiple categories in the calendar filter.
- Added option to hide the filter categories field within calendar.
- Added option to export calendar events to Google Calendar.
- Updating the FusionCharts Chart Library.(Need to upgrade your production environment)
- Added support for the FusionCharts library in the sc_include_lib macro. Check the documentation
Performance improvement
- Improvement of Scriptcase projects converter.
- Fixed problem in the PDF report layout display on the interface when using the width and height parameters in the customized format.
- Fixed problem when using label fields with Javascript code.
- Fixed problem in the PDF report help ruler when using the customized format.
- Fixed interface problem with PHP method names.
- Fixed problem with when selecting an internal library in the project default values, and then creating a blank application. The library wasn’t being check in that cases.
- Fixed problem when using lookup as field description in MS SQL Server connections.
- Fixed problem with the link between Grids and Forms (throttling starts by the filter). The exit button was not displayed.
- Fixed problem when using sc_set_language macro in the blank application.
- Fixed problem when using the macro sc_select_where(add) with the option “any condition” in the Grid filter.
- Fixed problem accessing the Image Manager from the home page in the Helpcase settings.
- Fixed problem accessing records in the calendar after the update/insert other.
- Fixed problem on “Repeat one each” insertion on calendar events.
- Fixed problem in calendar events display, from printing.
- Fixed problem when using the “sc_concat” macro from search autocomplete fields.
- Fixed problem in the lookup display in the dynamic group by from Grids when using a calculated field.
- Fixed problem when running the menu using the Catalan language (Spanish).
- Fixed problem in size of the object “Double Select” display from dynamic search.
- Fixed problem with global variables display when defined within group by lookups.
- Fixed problem in the search autocomplete when using subselect in the Grid main SQL.
- Fixed problem with the summary link when using dynamic group by.
- Fixed problem with pie chart button for various dimensions with drill down using only one metric.
- Fixed problem on Grid application when creating a link from the Chart to a Grid.