New functionalities
- Added option to hide caption in chart. Option is now available in the chart settings.
- Inclusion of the ‘BETWEEN TWO VALUES’ condition for the ‘TEXT’, ‘VALUE’ (currency) and ‘DECIMAL’ field types under the filter conditions.
- Added option to select initial values in the dynamic break interface.
- Added the value of “Dynamic Break” in the “Break Initial” option in the break settings.
- Added option to display or not the “new record” button of the grid in the Dashboard toolbar.
- Adjustments in the layout of breaks.
Specific correction
- Fixed issue of downloading files in the Multi-upload form in mobile mode.
- Fixed issue in option ‘Display values’ and ‘Short values’ in multi-series graphics.
- Fixed issue in event display while hiding calendar categories filter.
- Fixed issue when setting the maximum file size. The application allowed to send a file of a larger size than the one that was configured.
- Fixed issue when copying html files in Helpcase tool. The title of the page was not being replaced.
- Fixed issue in displaying project name after accessing Scriptcase.
- Fixed issue in time display in events with no time and / or end date in the calendar.
- Fixed issue using the sc_changed macro in the date and time field in the MSSQL SERVER connections.
- Fixed issue in the “Display Mask” option in the settings of the break fields.
- Fixed issue in the preview of the default values in the summary filter.
- Fixed error in the pdf layout by the registry option per line in the interface.
- Fixed the Grand Total option of chart applications.
- Fixed issue when changing the grid SQL in grid and graphical applications. The “Number of records” field was being removed from the total.
- Fixed issue sending file with extension that are not allowed. Invalid file message was not being displayed.
- Fixed unserialize () error: Error at offset 625 of 774 bytes | Script: nmField.class.php line: 4114, when entering more than one lookup field in the summary filter.
- Fixed issue in the summary link generated through dynamic breaks using SQL with JOIN.
- Fixed issue in Gauge chart generation.
- Fixed error: Invalid argument supplied for foreach () - 2707 nm_gp_consulta_cons.php when using the empty “break” option.