ScriptCase v9.0.029 (2017-12-11 20:59)

New functionalities

  • Addition of new sources from the Reportpdf application.
  • Added option for title break in calendar view.

Specific correction

  • Fixed issue in the display of the “filter conditions” in the “double select” field in the generated filter applications. From this version onwards, the filter will support the conditions: equal, contains, different, does not contain, empty content, non-empty content.
  • Implemented the option to use the “FORCE ORDER” command in grids using the MSSQL Server connection.
  • Fixed issue using the sc_ajax_message macro in the html control application.
  • Fixed issue in assigning the fields in the onLoad event in the html control application.
  • Added macro support “sc_btn_display” in editable grid forms and editable grid view. Note: The code must be used in the onLoadRecord event, where it will be executed with each record in the record. If done on onLoad, it will run only once.
  • Fixed issue when using submit option in onChange and Ajax processing in grid filter.


  • Fixed issue in displaying the characters when being informed in the quicksearch field. The error occurred in Chrome and Safari browsers.
  • Fixed “Undefined offset” error when using the sc_date_dif_2 macro.
  • Fixed issue when creating a Subselect field in the Reportpdf application on Firebird connections.
  • Fixed issue in displaying the fields of the breaks in the matrix summary selection interface.
  • Fixed issue in viewing recurrence fields in calendar application. The fields were not being hidden in the Firebird and Oracle connections.
  • Fixed issue in the ‘Display values’ option of the generated application not being inherited from the interface.