- Improved visual interface of the project’s default values.
- Fixed problem with the AJAX autocomplete option in the theme for applications.
- Fixed problem with page scrolling when dragging special conditions in the sorting interface of the date field in the search.
- Fixed problem in the preview display of components in the advanced mode of themes for applications.
- Fixed problem in unserialize when accessing the editing of a custom chart theme in a project converted from version 8 to 9.
- Fixed problem in creating the OnlineShop example project with PostgreSQL connection.
- Fixed problem in the initialization of the Apache service on the OpenSuse distribution.
- Fixed problem when using Captcha in the step-by-step form.
- Fixed problem with the sc_field_readonly macro, which was breaking assignments in select-type fields.
- Fixed problem with AJAX reloading when using Select2 in the field.
- Fixed problem displaying field help in the form when using the “hint” option next to the field.
- Fixed problem with the “Number of Rows” option in link properties when navigating between records.