- Fixed problem when using Current Value option in double select fields.
- Fixed Scriptcase access problem after installing in Linux environments.
- Fixed view problem with special periods in date fields, in the dynamic search on form.
- Fixed problem with pageview when searching for records that didn’t exist on the form.
- Fixed problem when using dynamic group by starting with closed treeview.
- Fixed problem in positioning the fixed label when using treeview option in the group by.
- Fixed problem in updating numeric fields and auto-complete without filling new features.
- Fixed problem in inserting images when using multi upload fields.
- Fixed problem in time display in date and time fields, under special filter conditions.
- Fixed problem when using Group Results option in the grid label filter.
- Fixed problem when opening image manager through group of buttons in toolbar.
- Fixed problem Fatal error: Invalid handle returned when connecting to SQL Server PDO.
You must update the production environment - Fixed processing problem when using Ajax events in fields assigning values to itself.