New functionalities
- Added support for ‘Null’ and ‘Not Null’ conditions in the table fields, used in the index filter on the dashboard.
Performance improvement
- Recognizing the type of form in the detail properties in the master/detail properties.
- Fixed problem with search toolbar buttons, in the Scriptcase default values.
- Fixed problem executing checkbox fields in the search application.
- Fixed problem displaying ‘TestConn’ in the connections of the production environment.
- Fixed problem when tabbing with ENTER in auto-complete fields.
- Fixed error Undefined variable: tmp_apl_or when executing form applications in master/detail creation.
- Fixed error Undefined variable: sNomeCampo field when compiling form applications using Ajax event.
- Fixed Javascript error in the execution of the helpcase button, in form and control applications.
- Fixed problem of overlapping charts in PDF export, using charts on same page of summary.
- Fixed problem of duplicate charts in PDF export, using charts on same page of summary.
- Fixed empty page problem in PDF export grid with group by.