ScriptCase v9.3.006 (2019-02-27 17:17)

Specific correction

  • Fixed problem in viewing the "Week " in the calendar. You will need to clear the browser cache.
  • Fixed problem in exporting compressed PDF using password in Linux and MAC environments.
  • Fixed issue when exporting PDF in Debian distribution (Linux).
  • Fixed issue when creating filter fields using Select 2.


  • Fixed problem in exporting PDF compressed in application form.
  • Fixed problem in the button "Download " in the form PDF export.
  • Fixed Password field display problem in the form, when exporting PDF, even when the password function was previously disabled.
  • Fixed problem setting format values as percentage, in Pie chart type.
  • Fixed Notice: Use of undefined constant s-assumed’s in the tab application using PDF export.
  • Fixed problem in exporting images using password in the Chart application.
  • Fixed issue in the HTML printing of the form application.