New functionalities UPGRADE REQUIRED
- Added option for refresh interval in summary settings.
New functionalities
- Added support for tab applications in general project search.
- Added option to view or hide PDF settings in layout preview.
Performance improvement
- Improved master/detail link interface.
- Improved control link interface.
- Improved form link interface.
- Improved search link interface.
- Improved layout in the width of the list of tables and fields in SQL Builder.
- Fixed problem in the interface when selecting a special condition for date fields, in the grid search.
- Fixed problem when clicking “Click to download common ZIP libraries” when performing an advanced deployment.
- Fixed problem in dynamic search with ‘All period’ condition in DATETIME fields in SQL Server.
- Fixed problem in PDF export of charts of Pyramid, Radar, Gauge and Funnel types.
- Fixed problem in message ‘Required field’ when adding a record, in the form application.
- Fixed problem when making changes to a virtual field of the auto-complete type, on a multiple records form.
- Fixed problem when performing Ajax processing between fields using dropdown.
- Fixed problem when updating or inserting a new record containing label field with javascript text, in Google Chrome.
- Fixed problem in viewing the contents of the “Document (Database)” field in the form Grid Editable View.
- Fixed problem when exporting files in Safari.
- Fixed problem of displaying radio fields on forms using fixed label.
- Fixed problem of permission to export PDF from grid, in publications generated from .tgz file.
- Fixed problem with macro sc_date when incrementing month.
- Fixed problem in displaying users using openLDAP in Linux.
- Fixed problem with sc_label macro using variable type attribute.
- Fixed problem in viewing the signature field in Report PDF.
- Fixed “Data to long for column” error when importing an application.
- Fixed problem using onChange event in auto-complete text fields.
- Fixed problem in repetition of lookup queries in form multiple records.
- Fixed problem in mandatory field message in date fields with calendar.
- Fixed problem using mandatory fields in tag search.
- Fixed problem in search of relative summary search in DATETIME type fields.
- Fixed problem in extracting files compressed by Scriptcase in CentOS environment.
- Fixed problem when exporting PDF in a grid, using search as initial module, iframe and hiding header.
- Fixed Javascript error in tabs without application.
- Fixed problem in language change in control applications.
- Fixed problem with macro sc_format_num in fields with lookup.
- Fixed problem when clearing Auto-Complete fields for Ajax processing.
- Fixed problem in color palette display, on forms with “Grid Editable View” orientation.
- Fixed problem in the view of buttons created in the grid in the summary toolbar.
- Fixed problem in the interface when connecting applications in the application of tab.
- Fixed problem in publishing with API in Linux environments.
- Fixed problem in variable naming with uppercase letters in blank applications.
- Fixed problem when setting double quotes in allowed characters in a form application.
- Fixed problem with VARYING data types in PostgreSQL.
- Fixed problem alignment problem when scrolling the page in summary using fixed label.
- Fixed problem in disabled item view through sc_menu_disable macro, in menu application.
- Fixed problem when using the sc_btn_display macro in the groups of buttons.
- Fixed problem of calendar scroll bar in dashboard widgets.
- Fixed problem in content view when clicking the “View SQL” button in SQL errors on the form.
- Fixed problem when using Ajax onChange events in Auto-Complete fields using Select 2.
- Fixed problem in displaying grid’s “Back” button in dashboard widgets.
- Fixed problem when formatting the value in scales with negative numbers in dashboard application.
- Fixed problem in right alignment of vertical menu, using hidden menu option.
- Fixed problem when using checkbox in dropdown, with empty title in Select type fields.
- Fixed problem in preview when changing layout orientation in Report PDF.
- Fixed problem of viewing PDF settings in the layout preview in the Firefox browser.
- Fixed problem when using ‘Use slider’ option in virtual numeric fields in grid search.
- Fixed tab problem with Enter key in numerical field using spin.
- Fixed display problem in header margin in tab application.
- Fixed interface problem when reporting incorrect login in log module creation.
- Fixed problem when using textarea in the user editor in an HTML control application.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function MoveNext() when executing grid application, containing SELECT with several parameters.
- Fixed problem in aligning slider fields in grid search.
- Fixed problem in description view when defining initial application in project settings.
- Fixed problem in PDF export using headers and titles in Mac OS environments.
- Fixed width problem when using Select2, in field type Select.
- Fixed problem in displaying the magnifying glass icon in a form application with master/detail.
- Fixed problem when using date type field in a label search and enable calendar view.
- Fixed problem when using the sc_redir macro in queries with slide orientation.
- Fixed invalid data problem when performing special character search in grid.
- Fixed captcha settings problem in the advanced settings of the theme.
- Fixed problem at the time of the Report PDF header as Lines per Page.
- Fixed problem in inserting or updating values in undefined label fields.
- Fixed problem in Ajax events between decimal fields in Edge and Safari browsers.
- Fixed problem in generating PDF in queries configured not to display titles.
- Fixed problem in the width of select2, initially hidden, loaded from a block or frame.
- Fixed problem with the “back” button of the calendar, accessing application directly.
- Fixed problem in dynamic search search, in date fields using combobox.
- Fixed problem of visualization in database builder with PostgreSQL connection.
- Fixed problem in master loading / detail accessing from mobile devices.
- Fixed paging problem with HTML color field in form.