- Fixed problem using default value of special condition in the date fields in search.
- Fixed problem using special characters in the Report PDF cells.
- Fixed problem with Select2 fields in form application when opened through a modal.
- Fixed problem with label on Sweet Alert buttons.
- Fixed crash problem when updating records in form, using SQL Server connection with NATIVE SRV PDO driver.
- Fixed Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '?> ’ in grid, while performing totalization and enabling single line display.
- Fixed CSS class definition for user buttons in control and forms.
- Fixed problem with friendly URL in Excel export.
- Fixed problem with form when creating log module with update and delete disabled.
- Fixed CSS preview problem on buttons created from control and calendar applications.
- Fixed problem with Select2 fields in Ajax events when trying to perform record insertion.
- Fixed problem with values in auto-complete fields during record navigation.