- Fixed problem typing database in project creation.
- Fixed problem in the advanced search, using “Equal” condition on double select fields.
- Fixed problem displaying font awesome icon in the menu tabs.
- Fixed problem with MySQL connection using SSL authentication without certificates.
- Fixed problem when incrementing projects without applications.
- Fixed problem in the menu, when renaming an application used in a menu item.
- Fixed problem in the charts, using ‘TO_CHAR’ and date masks, using Oracle connection.
- Fixed Excel export problem with Security Module application.
- Fixed problem in the setting of master/detail keys and parameters, in fields with special characters.
- Fixed problem tabbing with Enter in select fields.
- Fixed problem with nonexistent connection when opening project.
- Fixed overwritten value problem in database selection.
- Fixed problem with displaying font awesome icon when closing menu tab.
- Fixed problem renaming files in the external library.
- Fixed problem with repeatedly displayed error message in the control application.
- Fixed problem with creating calendar tables using Sybase connection.
- Fixed problem with using delimiter to lookup fields in search.
- Fixed problem with uppercase session variables in the “Subdirectory” option in the upload fields.
- Fixed problem with search generated SQL in checkbox and double select fields.
- Fixed problem inserting record in DB2 connection. <b>You will need to update the production environment.</b>
- Fixed problem displaying debug mode in Report PDF.
- Fixed problem creating security module tables with Sybase connection.
- Fixed problem with Excel export, using different totals in grid and summary.
- Fixed Javascript error while executing Ajax onClick grid events.
- Fixed problem running project after changing open application security.
- Fixed problem deleting dependency using PostgreSQL connection.
- Fixed problem in the CSS configuration of search fields, titles and objects.
- Fixed renaming application used in tab applications.
- Fixed CSS button lock problem.
- Fixed problem using special characters in Excel export with SQL Server connection.
- Fixed problem with records not found message when using the search in form application.