ScriptCase v9.4.013 (2019-10-21 09:41)


  • Improved visualization of documentation images.


  • Fixed issue with “sc_alert” macro in OnValidate event in horizontal forms. If the browser scroll bar is displayed, after processing the scroll bar macro is no longer displayed.
  • Fixed dashboard application filter problem on datetime type fields.
  • Fixed issue setting CSS style for calendar button on form.
  • Fixed issue with CSS style responses on “image” type buttons.
  • Fixed issue saving search filter with select field containing multiple values.
  • Fixed issue with setting decimal places in decimal, currency and percentage fields in virtual fields.
  • Fixed hyphen button naming issue.
  • Fixed issue with a “sc_log_add” macro using ISO8859-1 charset.
  • Fixed issue when downloading common libraries in advanced deployment.
  • Fixed issue with theme layout selection when creating blank application.
  • Fixed issue running sc_connection_edit macro.
  • Fixed issue with Excel export, when there are no fields to be totaled in the summary.
  • Fixed issue with field search, do not select any PDF reports.
  • Fixed issue when exporting excel using a tag as totaling.
  • Fixed issue with “new” button when a query application had a form link.
  • Fixed problem with data dictionary and field size in table.
  • Enabled on the “public” option if there is no option selected in save grid in query, filter and summary.
  • Fixed bug in field positioning in Excel export.
  • Fixed issue on filter onScriptInit event execution.
  • Fixed issue with a sc_redir macro on the “back” button.
  • Fixed issue with log module using Sybase connection.
  • Fixed problem deleting a record when dependencies exist using the Access connection.
  • Fixed issue displaying height and width when changing a Report PDF orientation.
  • Fixed problem exporting Excel, XML and CSV in Group / Users application in security module.
  • Fixed problem with using the Scriptcase in environments with OPEN_BASEDIR directive.