- Added support for PHP 7.3 environments with IonCube Loader.
- Added support for Spreadsheet library on Excel exports in PHP 7.3 environment.
- Added option for overwriting public and user files when converting projects.
- Added support for importing projects, applications and backup restoration during trial period.
- Added support for retrieving value from hidden fields in grid, using Ajax events.
- Fixed problem accessing Database Builder with SQL Server connections, using DBLIB driver.
- Fixed problem with time zone selection in Linux installer.
- Fixed display problem of lookup settings, in the PDF Report interface.
- Fixed problem with protection of logged in user, in security module.
- Fixed FLOAT field display problem, in chart application.
- Fixed problem displaying values, in refined search, using range.
- Fixed inserting record starting with backslash symbol ().
- Fixed SQL error when clicking numeric fields from summary, using MS Access connections.
- Fixed SQL error in “Distinct Count” totalization, using MS Access connections.
- Fixed export crash problem, when setting initial grid module to PDF, in Linux environment.
- Fixed problem reloading charts, displayed on same page as summary, when changing group by and totalization.
- Fixed crash problem when generating control application, using Javascript code in events.
- Fixed problem with summary generation, when set to “Last Page”.
- Fixed grid sort button when using fields with ALIAS.
- Fixed problem with formatting numeric fields in tag search.
- Fixed problem with dynamic search description from “Any condition” and “All conditions”.
- Fixed problem with application nested grids starting with number in nomenclature.
- Fixed “Apply” button for dynamic search, after changing search criteria.
- Fixed problem displaying group by values by TIMESTAMP type, using Firebird connections.
- Fixed export title problem using CHARSET ISO-8859-1.
- Fixed problem viewing Firebird connections in data dictionary.
- Fixed problem selecting tables in application create, using PostgreSQL 12.
- Fixed color picker display problem, in nested grid field editing.
- Fixed slow problem when selecting themes when creating a project.
- Fixed event viewer problem opening multiple blank applications.
- Fixed problem with group security module applications, using MS Access and Sybase connections.
- Fixed error creating tables in security module using Oracle connections.
- Fixed problem with MS Access connections using ADO driver.
- Fixed crash problem in Excel export, with large mass of records.
- Fixed problem with SweetAlert CSS settings, in tree menu application.
- Fixed problem using lookup in numeric fields, in editable Grid forms, with SQL Server connection.
- Fixed problem with path in publication SFTP configuration.
- Fixed problem installing Scriptcase in PostgreSQL 12 database.
- Fixed formatting problem when updating records with date fields disabled.
- Fixed “sc_apl_default” macro view problem in projects using ISO-8859-1 CHARSET.
- Fixed problem with “Add search” tag button preview on modal windows.
- Fixed Illegal string offset error in creating new themes.
- Fixed problem with column comments through Database Builder.
- Fixed problem using Javascript through form events, from mobile devices.
- Fixed problem in parameter display in the interface of link a master detail.
- Fixed problem in naming the form’s “onLoadRecord” event.
- Fixed problem with password usage in HTML export, grid and form applications.
- Fixed problem with auto lookup field display, using sc_ajax_message macro.