- Added Phpspreadsheet library to improve XLS and XLSX exports in PHP 7.3 environment.
- Added new component for database diagram.
- Added a new component for the project applications diagram.
- Added new component for relationship diagram, when creating applications with several tables.
- [/B]Improvement in the routine and performance of export applications in PDF, Excel, Word, CSV and RTF.
- Fixed problem when exporting PDF, with total by date type field, in static groupby.
- Fixed problem in the images upload, using SQLite connection.
- Fixed Erro Notice: Undefined property: ::$force_db_utf8, in the dashboard application.
- Fixed SQL error in the create tables, when importing CRM sample project, using Firebird connection.
- Fixed problem with unprotected sequence name, using Oracle connection.
- Fixed problem when checking internet access in the diagnosis.
- Fixed Error: Trying to get property ‘EOF’ of non-object when creating applications, using Sybase connection.
- Fixed problem in the images upload in tables that are named with space.
- Fixed Uncaught Error: Using $this when not in object context when accessing summary in the chart application.
- Fixed Uncaught Error: Using $this when not in object context when exporting Excel, Word and XML in the chart application.
- Fixed problem when using PHP method together with the braces characters “{}”.
- Fixed problem when searching between two dates in the chart application.
- Fixed problem with inserting records to the cart in the Online Shop project.