- Fixed problem that disabled the field overlaid by SweetAlert’s toast on the form.
- Fixed problem in JSON export with summary module, initially disabled.
- Fixed problem with conflict internal variables used with sc_lookup macro.
- Fixed problem with the return of the lookup on groupby with multibyte characters.
- Fixed problem when using Ajax event on fields with slider enabled.
- Fixed Javascript error when using apostrophe in refined grid search.
- Fixed problem with image quality resized in the PDF report.
- Fixed Invalid argument supplied for foreach() error when creating a project without a selected theme.
- Fixed Undefined variable error when creating project with Oracle and PostgreSQL connection.
- Fixed problem when defining exports generating directly, as the initial grid mode.
- Fixed problem with updating the date when dragging events from the calendar.
- Fixed problem with Summary button in grid with dynamic groupby.
- Fixed problem when using “Search” option, in the field updates connection table, in PostgreSQL connection.
- Fixed problem in viewing manual lookup records for multiple values (position) in the grid.
- Fixed problem in using index fields in dashboard, with non-UTF-8 characters.
- Fixed problem in the export chart application.
- Fixed problem with CHARSET in the search values, in the chart application.