ScriptCase v9.6.001 (2020-12-17 10:46)

New functionalities (Upgrade requeried)

  • Added reload button on the dashboard toolbar.
  • Added SweetAlert option in the HTML control application interface.
    Note: SweetAlert will only work if the scDisplayUserError() Javascript function is not being used.
  • Added new security options in the HTML control application.

New functionalities

  • Added “Error Display” option, located in the HTML control application settings.
    NOTE: This feature will only work when the SweetAlert option is disabled.


  • Change in the HTML control application. From that version, the “submit” will be done via Ajax.


  • Fixed problem when returning to the current record after redirection using the sc_redir macro.
  • Fixed problem when using Image type field (file name) in multiple record and editable grid forms.
  • Fixed “Undefined” error when expanding or collapsing events in the calendar application.
  • Fixed “Undefined” error when changing time of calendar events in the display by day.
  • Fixed problem in the “submit” of the HTML control application in Chrome browser. The form was submitted twice, causing an error in the validation of the login, with the message “Unauthorized user”.
  • Fixed problem with character validation when naming new themes for charts.
  • Fixed problem with the use of fields in horizontal forms after the toast of Sweet Alert was displayed.
  • Fixed problem when saving changes to the summary, in the project’s default values.
  • Fixed problem when saving changes to the summary, in the project’s default values.
  • Fixed problem when using Checkbox in dropdown with editable grid (view) orientation.
  • Fixed error when using dynamic filter in chart applications.
  • Fixed column alignment problem in summary breaks in the grid application.
  • Fixed problem when saving grid summary using fixed columns.
  • Fixed fopen error “(_lib / lib / js / GoJS.js): failed to open stream: No such file or directory” in menu applications.
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