New functionalities (Upgrade requeried)
- Added visualization in dashboard format in the grid detail on mobile.
- Added new mobile options in the express edition.
- Added support for bottom toolbar in search, detail, summary and control applications from mobile devices.
- Fixed problem with the refined filter collapse/expand option, with the filter module unchecked.
- Fixed problem with layout when exporting the chart application.
- Fixed problem in the fixed label that was duplicated in the mobile grid application.
- Fixed problem in the fixed label that was displayed above the refined filter button in the mobile grid application.
- Fixed problem in the login html template in the external project samples library. The templates were modified for the new security module fields.
- Fixed problem when using capture link with special character in the captured field value.
- Fixed problem when opening quicksearch dropdown in form applications using mobile devices.
- Fixed problem in updating the procedure in the Editable Grid View form. The value was not being updated.
- Fixed problem when editing or deleting the example Business project.
- Fixed problem in form printing export with mobile optimization.
- Fixed problem when viewing the toolbar of applications from the security module on mobile. It will be necessary to recreate the module.
- Fixed problem in the “cancel” button in the “grid save” with the mobile option disabled.