New functionalities (Upgrade requeried)
- Added option to view the steps form on mobile. Option available in Layout : Pages.
- Added options to remove header, footer, border and margin in grid details opening in iframe.
- Added options to remove header, footer, border and margin from master/detail links.
- Added options to remove header, footer, border and margin from grid links and forms opening in iframe and modal.
- Added new sc_head_hide and sc_foot_hide macros.
- Fixed problem when viewing select2 in form fields on mobile devices.
- Fixed problem when closing capture application after registration selection on mobile devices.
- Fixed problem with editable grid (view) form modal on mobile devices.
- Fixed problem when viewing the “date” field in the dashboard application index, using the DBLIB connection.
- Fixed “Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function”, when performing the totalization of a virtual field configured with lookup.
- Fixed problem with block title display in advanced search when the option to display block title is unchecked.
- Fixed problem in validating group by, when selecting the automatic lookup method without informing the SQL command.
- Fixed problem in displaying the header of an application redirected by the edit link when using mobile optimizations.
- Fixed problem with Progress PDO connection failure.
- Fixed problem in display of fixed label in “Select” column of applications with capture link.
- Fixed problem in quicksearch result, using fields with reserved words or protected by double quotes.
- Fixed problem when using the “date” field calendar in modal, in versions 8 and 9 themes. This type of visualization is available when the “New Calendar” option in the “date” field settings is deselected.