ScriptCase v9.9.009 (2023-03-24 17:00)


  • Added option to display chart configuration of grid fields as an icon or keep the buttons.
  • Added visual customization of grid field titles.
  • Added fixed toolbar in grid. Sample
  • Added aggregation of rating fields in summary. Sample
  • Added display of rating fields in grid group by. Sample
  • Added field grouping option in the grid. Sample
  • Added confirmation message option in the visual configuration of the button in the action bar. Sample
  • Added button grouping option in action bar. Sample
  • Added button option in button visual setting in action bar. Sample
  • Added label configuration option in action bar column. Sample


  • Improved visual in the notification of saving changes in the interface.
  • Improved internal library interface.
  • Improved connection performance.

Note: If the new version is updated manually, it will be necessary to apply the permissions in the Scriptcase directory.

  • Improved visual when creating a new langs folder.
  • Improved performance in the creation of applications, using the Oracle connection.


  • Fixed error when saving changes in the field on group by.
  • Fixed “Use Security” option not working in express edition.
  • Fixed problem when saving the nested grid interface in a license without entitlement.
  • Fixed problem in grid Ajax events when using SQL fields with JOIN between tables.
  • Fixed Undefined array key “hint” error in PHP 8.1 environment.
  • Fixed problem of display red background when converting menu type.
  • Fixed problem when creating blocks in the application with the auto save option activated.
  • Fixed a problem when viewing the options selected in the express edition of applications.
  • Fixed problem with ordering grouped fields with fixed label deactivated.
  • Fixed problem when accessing the project with connection failure. The scriptcase was logged out.
  • Fixed problem with displaying the “Back to top position” option in express editing.
  • Visual improvement in the field grouping sorting dropdown on mobile devices.
  • Fixed problem when editing the application when the auto save option was activated.
  • Fixed problem when synchronizing the form with the option to save metadata cache on disk enabled.
  • Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant “SCEOT” in the modal of WORD and RTF exports in the chart applications.
  • Fixed problem when importing example projects using MySQL connection.
  • Fixed problem when selecting ODBC connection in SQL Server, Oracle, Db2 and Sybase connections. The connection driver was not being listed.
  • Fixed “Undefined array key” and “Trying to access array offset on value of type null” errors when accessing some options for editing application themes.
  • Fixed errors of Undefined array key “summary_export_xml_pwd_pwd” and “label_watermarked” in grid application, when using PHP 8.1 environment.
  • Fixed error “foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given”, which occurred when creating Generic ODBC connections.
  • Fixed “Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function sc_logged()” error, which occurred when trying to login with 2-factor authentication using the email API.
  • Fixed SQL errors when generating the source code of the Onlineshop sample project with a MySQL database.
  • Fixed problem with not displaying the rating field icons (star, smile and thumbs), when printing the Grid and the Summary.
  • Fixed Undefined array key “display” error, which occurred after saving some application themes at the public level.
  • Fixed error of Undefined array key “display”, when editing menu application in PHP 8.1 environment.
  • Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function initialize_arrays() on null, when executing the procedure using the SQL SERVER connection.
  • Fixed “Internal Server Error” and missing files when publishing projects via SFTP.
  • Fixed problem in the “Value range” option for numeric values in the summary filter. The typing component was not created.
  • Fixed problem when creating the form, using the “Foreign key optimization” option and the MySQLi connection.
  • Fixed a problem when creating applications in the Access type connection, when using a table column with the reserved word “MOD”.
  • Fixed problem in Healthcare Project created with SQLIte database.
  • Fixed an error that failed to compile in applications that had a friendly URL, at the end of the publication generation done through the “Publish” button at the end of the source code generation.
  • Fixed issue with Excel export crashing in the grid, due to the formatting of “percent” type fields.
  • Fixed SQL errors when generating the Documents Library project source code, with PostgreSQL and SQLite databases.
  • Fixed SQL errors during source code generation of example CRM project with Firebird database.
  • Fixed Undefined array key “mysql_ssl_cipher” error in MySQL connection when using SSL in PHP 8.1 environments.

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