ScriptCase vs. [EDITED] for web database application with CRUD

Please tell me how easy is to make web database applications with CRUD on multiple table?
Somebody can tell me some advices comparative ScriptCase vs. [EDITED] vs. [EDITED]? With or without plugins.

To compare between product you need an independent forum for that. This is the site of Scriptcase. I’m not a fan of CC for a lot of reasons. But it’s inappropiate to discuss that here. I’m a happy customer.
What do you mean by CRUD on multiple table? Every crud works on one table at a time. Doesn’t matter which tool you use. But you can make a master detail and have a crud on each form. If you generate a crud you have events on every database action. So you are able to use those events to add your own code (to work on other tables i.e.). But best way is to download a trial and simply begin. But before doing that look at the movies. You will get a good impression of the possibilities. You find them under support -> elearning.

I have tried ScriptCase for 10 days, but I am a beginner in making web applications.
Please, can you give more advices how can I start in a easy manner, with few coding?

[QUOTE=aurelv;14706]I have tried ScriptCase for 10 days, but I am a beginner in making web applications.
Please, can you give more advices how can I start in a easy manner, with few coding?[/QUOTE]

watch the videos, read the manual, there is als plenty of info here if u get stuck…

Me I dont like [EDITED], havnt bought scriptcase yet and have found a few anoyances, but in comparison to price and what I have used in both demos… Scriptcase is hands down better.
Just my opinion…

SC is good tool, i recomend it. You can watch videos how to create a form is easy. and it works fine for master - multidetails.

Hello guys,

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Bernhard Bernsmann