Search Application Behavior

Using SC 9.4.004 on windows 10

How can I stop the auto selection of an item from a search field that is displaying from a database? When I have a search field that displays the filtered contents of a table as I type in it and I hover over the selection it automatically overwrites the contents that I just typed in. Very frustrating. Is there a way to stop this behavior from happening? I want to see the filtered list but as I hover over the list I want to keep my original text until I actually select an item from the filtered list.

Is this impossible??? Anyone?

i tried the search function in one of my docs but SC is not selecting the onhover the item. Can you show some pictures?

Bummer…that means I have to shell out more money to upgrade since that is a new feature for 9.4. Thanks for all your help.

you wrote you are using SC 9.4.004?!


How long have you been using SC? If it is already some years SC should arrange something in my opinion.

You would think. I’ve been using SC since 2016 on and off. I’ve already spent ~$2K with them. I waiting for black Friday to get new licenses. Hopefully they do the 40% off again.

good idea!

WANT PE_BRONZE, i m planning to sell mine

Not satisfied with SC?

yes not at all with the amount of bugs, undocumented updates with changes not being properly explained and bad help doc

also missing option for have customised code on events for objects