Search in grid with autocomplete text field and integer field

I wonder if you can confirm this bug.
Latest SC V8 installed. Database is IBM DB2.

Grid application with search form enabled over two fields:

  1. First search field is a text autocomplete,
  2. Second search field is a plain integer (not an autocomplete)

Text autocomplete does not work.

If you remove from the search form the 2nd field then autocomplete works perfectly.

I have not seen any reply to my post so probably I have not been able to explain myself correctly.

I try to be more precise here and describe the procedure to reproduce this bug:

In a grid advanced-search application, if there is a field of type text-autocomplete and a field of type integer, then text-autocomplete does not work.
But, if the integer field is removed from the search form, then text-autocomplete works perfectly.

Steps to reproduces this bug ((I have tested two databases: sqlite and IBM DB2. Bug is present against both databases)

  1. create table


  1. Populate table NAMES with three records, like these;

1 - harry
2 - sally
3 - robert

  1. Download the project from [/FONT]
    and create it over table NAMES

  2. In grid, go to advanced search and try to search for harry, typing har in the name field.
    Autocomplete does not work here !!

  3. Remove from the search application the field ID, and recreate the application

  4. In grid, go to advanced search mode and try to search again for harry, typing har in the name field.
    [I][B]Autocomplete works here !!

[/B][/I]Can you please confirm you have the same behaviour ?