Search not working on custom "New Field"

I’m creating a grid application with a list staff where all fields should be searchable on. The custom “New Fields” as search fields don’t appear to work. Is there a way to make “New Fields” work in Search without having to have these fields in a SQL table?

My fields are sourced from multiple data sources, SQL and non-sql, the non-sql fields are created by creating a “New Field” and are populated though events (onRecord).

When using the grid search button the SQL fields the filters work correctly. When I search on the calculated / custom / non-sql fields, the search filter has no effect.

For example, I have “Name” from the SQL datasource, and a custom “New Field” “Department” text field from an external LDAP source, using a criteria on the department field has no effect on the search results.

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any solution here? I have the same issue.