Trying to create a new platform but the dam security module is broken once again, syncing new files adds files which dont exist… looking closly they are all abreviated versions of those that do exist…
Come on guys dont u test anythying before you try to fix stuff???
Again will have to wait god knows how long to have this solved and can begint his new project, SORT IT GUYS its a blimmin joke!!!
If you dont’ explain what happens, this is not usefull, because I use security module without any troubles.
I have the same problem. I am using solution and I have last updates. But when I try to use “Group” security module, it returns the same problem. I have for example 16 apps in my project, but security module finds 25 apps.
Sorry did not understand, I currently am still on version 6, since 7 and 8 required changes in the PHP version that I dont have control over.
Looking at this I would look at the sync apps application and look at the programming.
If I had to guess it looks like a bug.
Have you tried to creat a new project and see if the same issue exists?
I will be installing a new application at a customer in about 3 weeks. Currently, I am still developing the general functionality but eventually I will implement group based security as I have done in other projects. Thus, I am a bit worried by this.
Has SC accepted this as a bug and given an ETA for its resolution?
I’m not sure if it’s the same bug as I had a while ago, but it was fairly easy to fix by myself.
Ok, I will have a look at it when it’s time, if it has not been fixed.
I also thought that I could just take the module apps from an earlier project where it was working.
I think you should be able to do that. Just a matter of export/import.
any comments on how to fix? been trying to find what to change but keep ending up breaking the whole thing lol
In my case the application type was not added to the list causing the list to be ignored. So I had to apply the change to fill the correct sql statement. Also I had to remove some ‘modern’ stuff regarding sef url’s that was interfering the functionality I needed. In my case it was only the synchronize to fix.
I have the same problem I have 120 genuine apps in the project. I create a security app and everything ok = still 120 apps. JUST DO NOT SELECT SYNCHRONIZE? You end up with rubbish and about 250 new apps in the sec_apps table
syncronize problem.txt (8.73 KB)
Just thought that I would post a fix to the security app sync problem, which worked for my project:
(Please take a backup first of your database and project before proceeding. I will not be responsible for any problems).
In the …_sync_apps, e.g. sec_sync_apps application, the “validate” event, some code has to be commented out and a single line added:
$arr_apps = array_diff(scandir($this->Ini->path_aplicacao . "../_lib/friendly_url/"), array('.','..'));
foreach($arr_apps as $k => $v)
$arr_apps[$k] = substr($v, 0, 8);
$arr_apps_without_friendly = array_diff(scandir($this->Ini->path_aplicacao . "../"), array('.','..', 'index.php', 'index.html'),$arr_apps);
$arr_apps = array_merge($arr_apps, $arr_apps_without_friendly);
$arr_apps = array_diff(scandir($this->Ini->path_aplicacao . "../"), array('..', '.', '_lib'));
sc_select(rs, "SELECT app_name FROM sec_apps");
Now, please notice that any smart url stuff is then not implemented. I did not need that as I just want my users to access the applications through a menu.
Thus, I did not want to spend time looked into fully correcting the code, so that all that stuff works.
If one implements the above change before running the sync_app, all is fine.
If one has been so unlucky as to run the sync_app first and now has two versions of every application (one with an abbreviated name), there is a couple of SQL statements to run:
delete from sec_apps where app_name > '';
delete from sec_groups_apps where app_name > '' and group_id > 0;
(If you do not have any or a different prefix on the security tables, fix accordingly)
Notice the where statements which are not strictly necessary, but will allow the SQL code to run without have to disengage MySQLs safe mode that does not allow deletes without criteria on the primary key.
After this run the sync_app and all is in order.
Luckly I had another app which I had built some months ago where it is still working, so I just copied it from there…
Something that should be easy to fix and should also be working as it is an intergral part of what alot of people use, yet for some reason brazilian people enjoy the sun to much… lol Well we do here in portugal also but at least we get work done and am sure this would of been fixed by now if netmake were in any other country… sorry but it really does seem like either to much sun or netmake just doesnt give a crap about their own product some times… just my piece of the pie
Hello everyone!
This bug has been reported and will be solved as soon as possible.
Thanks for reporting!
Fixed problem on applications synchronization within the security module. (Release 8.1.035)
Thank you!