Security Module Bug

Hello everyone:

I’ve created a new project, and developed like 16 different applications, after that I enabled the security module.

The problem is… once I’ve enabled the security module the menu’s are not working… the applications are showing the [Invalid User] Message even when I authenticate with the generated Login Screen.

Any Ideas on how to fix it?

***** NOTE TO NETMAKE… wtf guys… this has happened before on versi?n 7, and early version 8, you guys had to patch to fix it… am I to expect the same again?.

Please help me.

There are a few things to look at. First if you enable the security moduel ALL applications get the checkbox enabled. Also the apps you might not want in your security module. Also, the setup in the security tables, especially if you have used synchronized where you are not using friendly urls is badly distorted. I have posted a patch here in the forum recently. Besides that, yes there’s a lot wrong with the module. In basics it works, but you have to adjust things to your needs.

Hello Albert:

Man this is unfortunate… I’ve checked the patch you mentioned… so… is that a work around you created to fix the security module defficiency?. and… does that happened only on friendly url featured applications?.

so weird dont you think?.

Ok Guys:

I’ve run some more test and yes It’s a nasty BUG from scriptcase for applications where you use “Friendly URL”, so the problem is that when you create a menu… and link applications with “Friendly URL” the options are not displayed, further more if you remove the Friendly URL and try again you get an error since the path for the application changes… and… of course there is no way for you to fix it whitout messing around with the applications file system.

Again… this is not the first time Friendly URL fucks something… NETMAKE I would recommend that you use links instead of changing the actual name of the folder with the Friendly URL functionality that way maybe you dont screw things up.

And yeha… I’m pissed… and yeha I have the right to be… since you guys never seem to learn from your past.

Your user base is growing… your quality should be improving… not the other way around.

So tired of this NETMAKE… so Effing Tired of this…

Keep calm and set friendly urls
