security module - protect logged in users?

hi guys

if you noticed the logged in users are protected if you chose so when you create the security module…

that is fine

but i’ve applied the same to one project then decided i want to remove it, make user login twice that is fine… i saw it annoying when you force older user to log out…

how i can remove this feature without re-installing the whole security module again!? what to disable? what to remove?

did anybody face the same and could manage?

hi guys, nobody used this before!?

okay, here is the code in the Login application

$date_login = (isset([logged_date_login])? [logged_date_login] : '');
sc_logged_out([usr_login], $date_login);
sc_reset_global([usr_login], [usr_email]);

is it enough to remove the sc_looged_check_logout method? or i have to remove all?

any hint? i just want to disable this function from the security module, without later consequences for sure :slight_smile:

anyone can guide?

I never looked into the code that deep. I think you should test it to see. Besides that, you didn’t want to regenerate the module, but in fact it’s what I would have done.

Thanks Albert,

I guess it is adding a value if you prevent a user to login again while he is logged… but turned out the negatives that kicks the older user out and makes all “not authorized” for him which he thinks that is an error in the application! so decided to remove it back and make the user normally login even if he is logged in from another place…

so, auditing the code that is checkecked in login application i found that is checking from the application “logged” - logically speaking if that check is removed then all should go fine… i will not regenrate the module, but only the login app in this case… my concern is what is the drawback this way!? any idea?

one more Q albert did you notice how to control the timeout of the security module?

thanks again

[QUOTE=MikeDE;30337]Thanks Albert,

I guess it is adding a value if you prevent a user to login again while he is logged… but turned out the negatives that kicks the older user out and makes all “not authorized” for him which he thinks that is an error in the application! so decided to remove it back and make the user normally login even if he is logged in from another place…

so, auditing the code that is checkecked in login application i found that is checking from the application “logged” - logically speaking if that check is removed then all should go fine… i will not regenrate the module, but only the login app in this case… my concern is what is the drawback this way!? any idea?

one more Q albert did you notice how to control the timeout of the security module?

thanks again[/QUOTE]

It’s difficult to advise as it depends. In general, recreating an application is faster than modifying it especially when it’s complex as all the security apps. It simply takes too much time to dive into that. Regarding the timeout, look at the webinars of sc, Marcia has done a webinar regarding the session time-out.

Thanks Albert, I will try possible ways to remove that codes and see the impact, otherwise re-creating the security module may results in other stuff and more configuration…

Appreciated Albert, as always, our general hero :slight_smile:

Any conclusion? I have the same problem here :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance

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