Security Module Security_grid_sec_users_groups

With the supplied or generated grid
“Security_grid_sec_users_groups” an error appears when looking for a name in QuickSearch.

The reason for this is the following entry in the “onScriptInit” event

sc_select_where(add) = “WHERE login IN ( SELECT Security_users_groups.login FROM Security_users_groups WHERE Security_users_groups.group_id = “.sc_sql_injection({group}).” )”;

whitout this entry, everithing runs fine!

Netmake, one question, do you test your work before you publish it, or do we do it for you?

This is not just isolated to the Security_grid_sec_users_groups app, QuickSearch generates errors for any app that has a where filter applied in the SQL Select.

QuickSearch is adding a second WHERE Clause, not appending existing WHERE Clause


The developers know that?

I have logged a high ticket with similar issues while also referencing this forum thread.