Security module / Sync applications

Hello again. I have checked the procedure SC uses to sync applications. First it reads the directory for applications. Second it reads what exists in the database. After it generates an array containing the difference directory minus database and creates a product between groups (in the case of group security) and the “new” applications. It is almost right, but I had to rename an application and when run to sync the new name, the application created the new but didn?t drop the old one. I think the system shoud define a difference array, database minus directory, to delete the applications which do not exist in the directory. Also it creates entries for non application files. For example added the name for an Index.html file which existed in the directory. Thanks again for your help.


Actually this is not a bug but an enhancement request and I too reported this a long time ago. Also I would like to see the ‘description’ of the applications of the project although this can be changed manually pretty easy. But the cryptic filenames are not very usable for end-users.

Aducom Hi, I’m new ScriptCase, I have a problem applying the security module by groups … I have some reports generated on some grids, well the problem is that these grids are shown to all users, even when I gave them the access restriction to these Grids. How I can prevent the grids to display all groups?

Thanks for your reply, greetings from Mexico

If I understand your question right, you wonder how to prevent certain data to show up on users not allowed to see this? The security model controls access to applications and the roles that are there (crud). That doesn’t automatically apply for retrieving data. So you need to filter the data on sql level. If you mean that grids do not follow the security model than it’s most likely that you have forgotten to set the security checkbox in the security menu or - it’s only the case in the development stage as you might have disabled security check on your development stage in the preferences.