Security module

This is something I cannot get my fingers on. If you generate a full security model all seem to work. But as soon as you fiddle with settings in the preferences things are starting to go wrong. This is a problem if you add new applications and need to sync. At one time I added a user, gave him system privileges and I could not get it to work. I synchronized things and it still didn’t work. Finally I destroyed my tables and regenerated all and it worked again. Problem was that my modifications where lost of course.

Another issue is that if you remove an application this will not be synchronized. That said, there needs to be additional functionality to the generated module. Beside synchronisation there needs to be a maintain module. Easy to create by yourself of course, but I think it should be default.

Final issue is that the module is showing the technical names of the applications. I recommend to add the description. Developers can live with this, but end-users must maintain the security list and need more info than the form_blahblahblah


Re: Security module


I have reported this issue to our bugs team for further testing.

Final issue is that the module is showing the technical names of the applications. I recommend to add the description. Developers can live with this, but end-users must maintain the security list and need more info than the form_blahblahblah

I could not understand the last part very well. Could you elaborate?

Bernhard Bernsmann

Re: Security module

To set the security the user needs to know what checkboxes to set/unset. Therefore it is important the the end-user knows what the line says. Currently the line with checkboxes is showing the techical name of the module like form_mytable1 and grid_mytable1. That’s not very informative. The description of the module is ('module for maintaining company, module for maintaining personel). Problem is that this coloumn is not shown, but only the techncial name. Of course this can be solved by adding this info yourself, but IMHO it should be default. Hope this clearifies it.

Re: Security module

+1 on this and also sorting the applications by the folder in which they exist in the development environment would be helpful also…

  • Somefolder
    – App inside this folder 1
    – App inside this folder 2
  • Security
    – Login
    – Change password


Quick update,

This issue is being reviewed by our development team.

Bernhard Bernsmann


I have similar problems and looks like after few years your team is still reviewing !
WHAT A JOKEE ! it is 2020 now