Security redirects

Hi, I am trying to forward the customer to the login page when not logged in and when using the direct url to the applications by setting the option “Url output of the security”
however the only thing I get is the error message unauthorized user and then it just reverts to whatever url was opened before.

any ideas on how to achieve what the proper redirection?


Have you applied the macro sc_apl_status before redirecting to enable access to the applications?

It depends on what kind of options you have set. If you have set security options to on then you will get this error message on each application where this has been set. If you have played with ‘allow application to run stand-alone’ a similar issue will occur. So if you don’t want that then you have to uncheck these options and do the testing yourself. If not loggedon you can use a sc_redir to the logon page. I don’t recommend this however as you are bypassing standards which - by itself - works well. As soon as you want to invent your own wheel you will find out that you have to do a lot yourself and thus benefit less from the development speed.

Hi Aducom. not wanting to invent the wheel but I am not sure what option gives me what I want.
I am usiing the default security solution from scriptcase so yes, the security is on in each application, I set up the “url output of the security” option to be the login page but this does not work.
if I disable the “direct call by url” then it just shows a different error message but no buttons or redirections apply.
without inventing the wheel, what would be the default solution?

any idea anyone?