Security Sample APP SC v6


Is securtiy sample app for SC V 6 included in the package?

I have installed SC v6, (licensed upgrade from v5) but the sample app for security is not there.
I tried to update SC but still not shown.

Do I need to download the latest package of SC v6 and reinstall it again?

Re: Security Sample APP SC v6

Hello 3ic

You can view the project at the website :, in Samples section.

But idk if its possible to download it now.

Ill know if its possible and tell you how to do it.

Re: Security Sample APP SC v6

Yes please, I wanted it to be included in the my project template.
Please let me know how should I install the template…

Re: Security Sample APP SC v6

Hi Max, any update on this?
I have tried to install the trail version of SC6 and security example is there as a template project.

On an existing SC v6 installation, how can I add this security project template.



On the top Menu go to Modules --> Security and generate a new module.

Bernhard Bernsmann