
Dear NetMAKE - where can I find any information on this setting ?
The HELP file is terribly outdated :frowning:



CSRF tokens is a must in our world. In all cases it work in a similar way, and it ensure a malicious site don’t do unwanted redirects from a customers browser into your application.
Courtesy of…w-does-it-work

 [B]Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in simple words[/B]
<li>Assume you are currently logged into your online banking at
<li>Assume a money transfer from will result in a request of (conceptually) the form<SomeAccountnumber>;amount=<SomeAmount>. (Your account number is not needed, because it is implied by your login.)
<li>You visit, not knowing that it is a malicious site.
<li>If the owner of that site knows the form of the above request (easy!) and correctly guesses you are logged into (requires some luck!), they could include on their page a request like;amount=10000 (where 123456 is the number of their Cayman Islands account and 10000 is an amount that you previously thought you were [I]glad[/I] to possess).
<li>[I]You[/I] retrieved that page, so [I]your[/I] browser will make that request.
<li>There is no way how your bank could recognize that the request was not made by you: Your web browser will send the request along with your cookie and it will look perfectly legitimate. There goes your money!
</ul> [SIZE=15px]This is the world [B]without CSRF tokens[/B].[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=15px]Now for the better one [B][I]with[/I] CSRF tokens[/B]:[/SIZE]
<li>The transfer request is extended with a third argument:;amount=10000;token=31415926535897932384626433832795028841971.
<li>That token is a huge, impossible-to-guess random number that will include on their own web page when they serve it to you. It is [I]different[/I] each time they serve any page to anybody.
<li>The attacker is not able to guess the token, is not able to convince your web browser to surrender it (if the browser works correctly...), and so the attacker will [I]not[/I] be able to create a valid request, because requests with the wrong token (or no token) will be refused by

Thanks but your post does not explain how to use this feature. I’m not very familiar with extra security measures so while I kinda understand the concept I do not understand how this works in SC. It seems there are two sides involved in this procedure so I wonder what is the interaction of SC App with other sites with this is checked. Has anybody ever tested if it works (?) - is another question.

You don’t actually need to do anything extra after it was enabled, since the change is implicit. I did some tests with and without it. It does work. This is why someone can’t just pass a url to your app and transact based on input values.