Select a record from grid and send communication

Hi, I want that in my grid I could select the record and send the record (users) a communication that is saved as historical comunicaizione in DB comunicazioniutenti.

What I ask is some help on how to select record and start the function of sending email …

hi, i wounder what is “comunicazioniutenti”

for the email, there is ready-code by scriptcase in events, on certain event click on that code and put your data, it will help you build your “send email”

I tried it with and without attachments, worked on sc7 and sc8 using SMTP

[QUOTE=peraziende;27596]Hi, I want that in my grid I could select the record and send the record (users) a communication that is saved as historical comunicaizione in DB comunicazioniutenti.

What I ask is some help on how to select record and start the function of sending email …[/QUOTE]

create a control or blank application to send the email. IN your grid create a custom field and set it of type image. Select an email image from the list. Then create a link (button below the image spec) and link to your control application. That should do the job.