ok guys, i have to change the database design because it was decided to add more values for each classroom!
and i really need your help to design it, i am not expert to use the partitioning or other expert stuff, i believe scriptcase can do it, in an easy way?i just want to know how to start from the beginning again
Here is my full scenario, in brief
1- i have the paper form/report which I could made as electronic, easy, a classroom that can be submitted anytime by teacher to school administration ? example:
? Classroom: (1 to 15) e.g. 6
? Total students: XX (fixed number) e.g. 20
? Available students: xx (variable) e.g. 15
? Absent students: automatic simple calculation (total ? available) e.g. 5
? Students took permissions: xx (variable, part of the absent number) e.g. 3
? Student without permissions: simple calculation (absent ? took permissions) e.g. 2
? Date of this update: date - automatic
? Time of this update: time ? automatic
2- Updates for each classroom vary, may be done one per day, maybe 4 times per hour… (i know it doesn’t make sense, but please bear with me)
3- The school administration do rely on the latest report update from each classroom teacher, hence, they will look at the latest report that submitted by each teacher…
[TD]Class no
[TD]With permission
[TD]Without permission
So, what I?ve done is to select the data, FROM classroom_6 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1" that works fine in display.php (away from scriptcase) ? now administration can see classroom_6 from display6.php and will give them only the latest update?
4- i have 15 classrooms
5- the data should be kept anyway in the database for statistics part later on that will use sc to have for each classroom how many students were available per day ( I will take the average per day if more than one update was done in that classroom?)
6- I?ve done this for the whole 15 classrooms and all is fine, you can view the latest update from each classroom? and I can get statistics using sc?.
Need now is to have them all as a table to display only latest update from each classroom update?.
[TD]Class no
[TD]With permission
[TD]Without permission
So, do you think we can go with this db structure to achieve this? Or I have to do a complete change?
Please again, I am sure you will give me strong ideas, but be sure that my experience is not that much so if there will be partitioning or ?key? and this things, then I will be lost 
Any help or idea (with details) is highly appreciated