I got to understand how to fix the issue .
When I do the mail sending test I got only the message if all is correct.
If Ok I show the message correctly , if not , nothing appears and the application goes stucked with a empty page .
Is there any reason ? I need to show an error to user and avoid stucking of application.
if ({sc_mail_ok})
echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("Attenzione !
Verificare la copia del messaggio inviato nella vs casella e-mail");</script>’;
$sent_flag = 1;
// Update field Mail_sent to 1
if ($sent_flag == 1)
$Sql_mail_sent="UPDATE orders SET Mail_sent = 1 WHERE `OrderID` = [glo_OrderID]";
sc_alert(" Message delivery failed...");
// sc_error_message(“Attention Customer, Agent, Manager E-mail not present or not correct !!!”);
// echo “<script type=‘text/javascript’>alert(“Attention Customer, Agent, Manager E-mail not present or not correct !!!”);</script>”;