Serious bug

I have added a js function and that ruined my hole form… i can;t use it anymore… although i have deleted that js function it still somehow remains in generated files. I need a working solution asap

Hello Clauu,

How have you added this function? Where were you calling it?

If you need a fix to your current application, please contact our support team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

From ‘programming-javascript methods’ and function was called with sc_ajax_javascript, i don’t know where was the problem since the js function was ok… a bit bigger but ok no problems. And the main problem was with the regenerating code since i was having the same blank page even after deleting that js function and after some debugging the .apl was broken for good.


You could try to delete the generated app (do not delete your application from SC interface). Go to /scriptcase/[apps]/[yourProject]/[yourApp] and delete all files inside [yourApp] folder.

But if the issue is being generated within SC internal database, the only fix to your current application is by contacting our support team.

I will also report the issue to our bugs team.



You could try to delete the generated app (do not delete your application from SC interface). Go to /scriptcase/[apps]/[yourProject]/[yourApp] and delete all files inside [yourApp] folder.[/QUOTE]
I;ve already done that

But if the issue is being generated within SC internal database[/QUOTE]
That was the main problem, deleting the added function and rerun app did nothing same behavior… i have ended up remaking the hole form… not a nice solution but better than nothing.

[QUOTE=Clauu;21351]I;ve already done that

That was the main problem, deleting the added function and rerun app did nothing same behavior… i have ended up remaking the hole form… not a nice solution but better than nothing.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for your feedback.

We are going to analyze how the function could have corrupted SC’s internal db.
