Setup SQL Server connection , Active Directory Group

My Database (SQL Server 2005) has an AD User Group Authentication MyADGroup , in that group there are several AD Users, for example Jonny
In the ScriptCase Connection Configuration of my App, i set the Jonny user in my Connection, but it does not connect to the Database, it says invalid user or password.

Is that possible to set up ? or do i need to create a single user in the Database ?

Thanks in Advance…

I have no idea what you do but a simple ldap_connect followed by an ldap_bind is all wat we do to check a user. e.g. see here:
But it is a bit of custom code.


Try <domain>\Jonny as User.

What environment do you use (server os, workstation os)?

RHS We tried that, domain\user but did not work, OS = Windows 2008 R2 , workstation OS = Windows 7 Pro.

I do not know how scriptcase generate the connection string in the background to connect the Application to the Database, But i do not see any other option to setup my connection App. to do a Windows Authentication. IF SOMEBODY from Scriptcase enlighten us in this matter…

In a .Net app using OLEDB is just a matter to do the correct connection string and done.

Thanks all.

I am talking about the Application connection, not a logical user access authentication with AD.

Ok. Then you must change the SQL Server authentication mode from “Windows Authentication mode” to “SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode” (see here). After that you can create a connection with SC (user “sa” and password f?r SQL Server or create a new user).


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