Scriptcase is working very slow at times when 6 users or more are working on it. Our server is big enough and fast enough to handle many connections but scriptcase is SLOW, painfully slow when someone generates code. Please make some serious improvements in this area.
As one of those 6 users I can confirm this . Please improve the performance of the Scriptcase development system.
To be noticed, the machine is a 4 core, 4G machine with SSD and enough space on the drive with virtually no other activity then scriptcase…
When someone generates applications the speed goes down, I see php threads being started and there is sufficient cpu speed and disk speed… Please test it with 6 to 10 users at the same time!!
Scriptcase starts to behave bad then.
Just a few ideas here:
One: CPU.
Maybe the CGI processes are running in a single thread or using only one core? Maybe you could check using Windows Task Manager: check the CPU usage in the server when two or more users are generating. Are all cores in use? Are the load balanced, or some core is overloaded (when compared to other)?
Two: Shared resources.
Are the users using the same database? Is it MS SQL Server? Are there any blocked resource in the database (maybe your isolation level has something to do with the problem)?
Nope cpu is fast enough. The disc is also fast enough. We had success speeding it up by editing php.ini
The machine has 4G memory, 4 cpu’s and sufficient speed.
opcache.memory.consumption=128 changed to 192
opcache.max_accelerated_files=4000 was tested and sadly increasing it didnt help…
realpath_cache_size = 128M changed to 256M
max_execution_time = 3600
max_input_vars = 6000 changed to 20000
memory_limit = 512M
This made a resonable difference…
But is it fast enough now. As we will be using our 10 user limit to the full in the (very) near future…