SHOCKING scam policy - made by Netmake

I have lifetime license, but it expired.

  1. how lifetime license can expire ?

Since the lifetime license is simply a TOTAL SCAM, I asked Netmake to convert it to annual license and charge me for one year subscription

  1. they said it is impossible


wasted $1600

Not sure what your issue is. I have a lifetime license, as I quit my regular license. It means I do not get updates, but the current version continues to work. It does. However, as the generated code is based on the PHP version of my environment, I cannot migrate to higher PHP versions. I used the old (9.4) version to maintain my current customer pool and migrated them to another environment. It took a few years, but I finished it last year. Now, I do not use SC personally anymore. I don’t know if it is a scam, but it is good to know that buying a lifetime license does not include updates after ending the formal permit. In addition, if you want to move over, and you do not have a lifetime license, then Scriptcase will stop to work and you are bound maintaining the code manually (which is virtually impossible), or you have to continue your license until you have migrated everybody. My old environment does get updates however, but not sure what they contain. But my php version did not upgrade.

Like all lifetime license, you can use the software for ever, but you will stop to receive update after a predetermine number of months, in the case of Scriptcase it’s 12 month.

If you want the newer version, you will need to by the latest update, which again will give you all the update for one year.

I know it sound strange, but all the license I have are working this way.

If the latest version is not interesting, I will wait 2 or 3 years before updating it.

i don’t get what’s the scam.

all sw with lifetime licence can be used as-is forever (just like SC)

but a lot of/most sw will require to pay a yearly subscription to be able to perform updates\upgrades (just like SC)

That would mean that you almost pay full license cost then?

Not really, usually update are much cheaper then yearly or full license.

If you plan to use to software short term, use yearly license, if it’s for long term use full license plus update when needed

To what other environment did you migrate your customers?

You are not alone. It’s cheaper to avail their annual license then renew the lifetime license for updates.

I use all kind of software for 45 years. LIFETIME LICENSE for most of them means I can use rhew product and UPDATE THE PRODUCT till the end of its life. In case of Scriptcase this is not true and even on top of the I have another SC license (lifetime) and it does not work. It worked for some time , without updates, now it shows the message I need to upgrade.
I reported the problem ang it was ignored. PURE SCAM !