show date in the format of the select region


I have a blank application. I have programmed a sql query and I echo a date from the database.
The date is in format yyyy/mm/dd hh:nn and it is not respected the region I select as a user. This is normal.

But how can I easily format the date in the format of the selected region.

I have tried sc_date_conv but then I have to give the format myself.

I have now programmed it myself for a few regions I use, but I think this not the way to go.

Is there not a sciptcase macro that convert a date in datebase format to the format of the selected region.


I am surprised nobody has this problem. Does no-one use multiple languages and regions in Scriptcase.
A reply is appriciated.

I use several languages but no, not different regions. If nobody can answer your question here, I suggest you open a formal ticket on SC.


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Bernhard Bernsmann