SHOW TABLES From DB in a grid

Hello all,

Has anyone done this? I am trying to use MySQL SHOW TABLES and display results into a grid so content can be selected from a form text field using Link - Capture.
This is for database change logging.
I am able to pull database tables info into a blank form, but it needs to be in a grid.

I have not ever used it, but couldn’t you just create a view with the select statement and use that as the grid source fr the SQL?

Or make use of tempory table to store the intermediate result and work from there. Show tables into temptable then sc_redir to regular module using this table.

what you need is the following statement for your grid:

WHERE table_schema = ‘name_of_your_database’

that should do it. You can of course select all the other information you need as well.

Hope that helps

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