Signature Capture in a Form Application

Hi All,
I have a requirement in my project to capture signature inside a form. Anyone tried capturing user’s signature (mouse/touch pad) and store that to a form field? (Preferably image-filename type field) I am using MySQL database.

I have googled and found a jquery solution from “Thomas J Bradley-Signature Pad” and I am not 100% sure how to integrate that with my scriptcase form application yet. But if anyone else had any experience before with something like this, it would be greatly appreciated your tips/tricks/comments.

I too am looking for a solution to this issue within scriptcase. any auggestions on how to accomplish this task would be great. Also I would like to take a snap shoot image from the client systems web cam so I can prove who signed. any suggestions would be great.

  • Jason

Hi Jason,
I am trying few solutions at the moment to capture the signature. If successful, I will reply to this thread with info. Really cool if scriptcase had built in function to do this but probably it is not a common request. I am not asking scriptcase team to add this cool function now as I really want them to fix existing bugs. :slight_smile:

My clients are using iPads to access scriptcase app so it is easier to capture the snapshot of the person. If you have an image field then simply click ‘Browse’ button next to the image field and it is giving me two options whether to select from the library or take a photo from the camera. This is using an iPad. I guess you can do this from other portable tablets as well, where there is a built in camera.

It’s a hot issue having electronic signatures. But a simple scan is perhaps nice, but will not have legal rights. Anyone can scan, cut and paste. If it’s for printing letters then you might ask the user to create an electronic version of the signature and upload it in to the database. It needs to be done only once. Not sure in your place but here almost everybody has access to a scanner or multifunctional printer, a graphics board or - a digital camera. It would be great if you had a drawing spot on your screen, but painting a signature with your mouse or finger… It mostly looks … eh … different.

It is possible and it is out there. I understand it is all in javascript where a signature is done on a tablet/phone and save directly to an invoice. I ran over it on youtube I think?

I’m sure there must be some solution for this. But I still believe the the created signatures will not be like those with the pen and for legal issues it simply is not the same. You need a real digital signature. And that excists too.