simultaneous editing of same record


If two users (or more) are opening the same record trough a form, first one should be the only one allowed to edit, and a warning should be displayed for the others, until first ends edit. Is there such option in Scriptcase (avoiding programming)?
I looked deep (enough?) and did not find any setting. I tryed the situation in live and ther is no kind of warning…
Any clue ?


One approach …

onload - copy fields into variables
beforeupdate - re-query record and compare with variables

If same - allow update
if not same - concurrency error massage and abort update

You need a “semaphore” flag on a table. On onappinit check on the “semaphore” table if this record is marked for edition. If not, continue and mark it. Unmark it afteruodate.

If its marked, then alert and exit.

Also - if you are using a high|(er) end database you may be able to implement Row Level Locking