since latest update

My menu doesn’t look well, doesn’t matter which theme I get, same result. Was originally ok, in dev it still looks ok, but after deployment it looks bad:


I had a problem, First i genered all my apps (generated source code).
But my libraries was not generated for each form. Then i had enter to each one for generate and work fine.

Other problem i had was with captha does not show in login. i had rename file called securimage to app_login_securimage
and so work fine.

I have generated this one application over and over again. Realy not sure what to do next…

Hi Aducom,

Did you get the production kit update as well from the download section ?

No, just did the regular update within scriptcase. But it’s worth a try…


can you see your menu items in your development in the menu > menu items ?
try include a new items in your menu and change to other theme.
generate the source code and run application.

send me a export of this application, to email for we check more your problem.

Best Regard
Netmake Team

[QUOTE=Artur Oliveira;36507]Hello,

can you see your menu items in your development in the menu > menu items ?
try include a new items in your menu and change to other theme.
generate the source code and run application.

send me a export of this application, to email for we check more your problem.

Best Regard
Netmake Team[/QUOTE]

Yes, in development it runs fine, only after deploy it doesn’t.
I have included new items, which in fact caused the issue.
I generated and deployed a several times.
I will send you the application, can’t send you the database though as it is huge


We can do a remote access to check more your problem.
we are available tomorrow between 09:00 to 12:00 GMT -3
you can send the data of access to email:

is fine for you?

best regard
Netmake team

[QUOTE=Artur Oliveira;36510]Hello,

We can do a remote access to check more your problem.
we are available tomorrow between 09:00 to 12:00 GMT -3
you can send the data of access to email:

is fine for you?

best regard
Netmake team[/QUOTE]

Currently it’s midday at your place, so it could be done right now?

Ok, Scriptcase Brazil solved the issue. Problem is that after synchronizing your application you will get null value entries in your security tables. So you need to set the access to Y or N immediately to prevent this issue. Ok, that’s the solution, and I’m sure that SC will correct things internally. For now it’s a reminder.

good day,

if you have a item with a link to some application, for example form_customer, and have sub-items linked for this item, if have a user that doesn’t have permission to access the form_customer application in security module, the menu don’t shows the item that have the link to this application, so , the subitems will broken.

This problem was reported to our development team for they correct it. When solve will include in update release.

I hope have helped.

Best regard
Netmake team