Slow IDE startup and Hangups

New to SC , thought I might give it a try for a new project, but
Starting Up SC 8.1 sometimes (most of the times) takes 2 minutes to display the Login Screen. From there it takes 2 -5 minutes to display the project (3 forms so far…)
Reboot , same result…

HP 4530s 16Gb 512 SSD, Local MySQL

Very odd. I would consider uninstall and installing it again. Check your cpu cycles, is there some anti-virus going into stress (AVG has a reputation) or some other issue on your pc?

Hi Albert,
Thanks for the suggestion,

CPU cycles where 0–3 , deleted Bitdefender, No result,
On reinstalling SC mentioned another Virus Scanner , turned out to be Windows Defender.
Killed Windows Defender!
Not only is SC working fine, but also twice as fast !


Damn for years this has been bothering me. Closed windows defender. But last year, that must have been my comodo anti-virus